Saturday, July 7, 2012

My internet just crapped out on me, so I'll continue with my story.

So we were all lined up in front of the MEPS at moffet field. Standing outside getting our bags checked and such. Then we were all put into a big room where we had to fill stuff out and take a test to check for alcohol in our system and check our blood pressure. We listened to different power point presentations on how to fill out that stack of forms that we had in front of us. After a little over an hour we were all sent to medical. We sat waiting in chairs. Mostly everyone was worried about peeing in their pants, because we were not allowed to pee until it was time for urinalysis. The males were lucky, because they got to do this before the females. But a few of the guys were bladder shy and couldn't perform in front of the worker hah. It wasn't until ours later that the females finally got to pee! We were really struggling to hold it! We had to go to the bathroom in groups and had the med workers physically watch us pee into cups. Then we had to take our samples to lab to see if were pregnant and clean of drugs etc. We took several different vision tests. A test for color blindness,a basic letter reading similar to the DMV, and a perception test where we looked at different circles in rows to see which were protruding forward. We also had hearing tests, and blood tests. At one point we were all in our underwear doing different exercises and the famous physical exercise the "duck walk" where we had to crouch down and walk across the room in our underwear lifting our heels and toes up like a duck. If you couldn't do any of these, you were disqualified. Then we also had one on one interviews with doctors and check ups. i would write more in detail maybe tomorrow, I'm just really tired right now. It was a long week of briefings and meetings with recruiters to prepare me for MEPS and the actually process of my full physical.

But in the end I passed every part of my physical! Got my job and signed my contract. We even had our swear in ceremony. It was pretty cool. But everyone was so exhausted and just wanted to get it over with hah.  But when we were officially all sworn in, it felt really good! Now next step, Basic training! That should be fun!

Friday, July 6, 2012

This course was a good learning experience! Even though we all came into it angry and unhappy, I think we all enjoyed it in the end. Another awesome round of presentations! Thanks Kamran for my name! I'm going to miss everyone, even though it's only been a short time that we've all been together, but we were a really good group that liked to have fun.

So the final essay, I didn't really have much time to work on it. I've been really busy. I had a lot of issues with paperwork and offices shutting down for my next chapter in my life, The United States Navy. The Navy is my number one priority. Well I really have no choice hah. I must go where they tell me and do what they tell me to do when they want me to do it. So I'm bummed about my paper. I think if I had more time I could have written it better. If only I didn't have to have so many meetings with my recruiters and master chief. Sorry Paul!

So today I completed and passed my physical. Then I took my oath and was sworn into the US Navy. I am now a sailor. Crazy!

It all started with my recruiter picking me and another recruit. We were ready to head out to the MEPS office in Sacramento. But there were issues with Sacramento office being shut down for changing of command or something. So last minute my recruiter had to pull some strings to get us into San Jose MEPs, which already had more than 40 applicants. Luckily we got in! So we arrived at the Holiday Inn in San Jose, by the airport. There were so many recruits coming from all over California. Some as far as Fresno and Visalia. We had meetings and briefings about what we had to do and what to wear etc. Then we had a curfew at 10pm. We were woken up at 3am to get ready and eat breakfast. We had to line up outside of hotel by 4:50am for the shuttle to pick us up and take us to MEPS, where we will be having our physical. We were lined up and set to go to the medical wing. There were about 45 candidates waiting to get their full physical. So there was a lot of waiting.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I can't believe we only have one session left already! It's been fun, especially for an English class. I know how much we all have been hating English since the JEPET test hah and not wanting to have to take another English class. Initially I was dreading this class, but I believe I've really learned a lot about myself and my writing process. I've always been aware of my many problems that I seem to have with writing and my creative handicap. But I also found out many more things. By knowing these things hopefully I'll be able to work on them and write a million times better than I have been before. Overall this course has been very helpful. I really do love how we're not sticking to the standard way of writing an essay. But on that note I've been trying to work on the last paper that we have to do. It's actually really hard. Writers block times a thousand. I was hoping to finish it this weekend, but no luck. I've been really busy and I've been having trouble even picking an author to write about. Mostly concerned about being able to write enough about any of them. I know it's not due until the 6th, but I really don't have that much time left. I just found out today that I have my physical for the Navy on the 5th and 6th. So I lose 2 days on writing this paper. Bummer! Hopefully I can get it done on time. Not only complete it, but make it decent. I really want to end this class on a high note though. I want to try to get an A!

That was another great round of writer's presentations! I really love learning about new author's and their work and adding them to my future reading list. We've had such a large variety of presentations, author's  and genres. I can't wait for the remaining presentations!