Sunday, June 10, 2012

Finally blogger is letting me sign in! Been having trouble being able to log onto this site! i read everyone's comments and just realized that my blog may be hard to read, because of how it is formatted. Or rather the lack of formatting haha. Thanks for the suggestions!

In class we discussed many things. Specifically, writers block. I consider myself a blocked writer. I either have so many ideas for a premise for a paper or none at all! This an experience that I always expect. I mean always! Even when I do start getting into the topic I am writing about, I always hit a wall. It gets so frustrating! I try just taking a break from it and coming back to it later hoping that I can work it out. But that rarely works. I'm sitting there again stuck.

For example, this perspective paper. I was finding it very difficult. I'm not satisfied with what I wrote. I'll probably not be able to sleep and re-write it all over again. When I was brainstorming, I thought of things that I love. Like hey if it's about something that I love maybe the writing process will come along a lot easier. I was wrong. It's still just as hard haha. Let's see I love skateboarding. I've always had a weird obsession with Iceland. I love everything related to the ocean. There has to be something that I can write about! I decided to go with the Ocean. I'm a marine biology major. I love fish and I can't stop talking about it. Just ask my friends haha. I go on and on and on about Sharks! Knowing all this would lead me to believe that this paper should be easy to write. But no, it's a bit harder actually.  Probably because I can go in any direction with it. Meaning so many ideas! Finding a focus and sticking to it!


  1. You know I have the same problem too.. I also have writers block, but I am also a huge procrastinator and when it comes to papers I always leave everything at the last minute. Last semester I had a ten page research paper due and I did it all over night.. Hahaha.. Well good luck in our English class.

  2. At first I ,too, thought that the reflective essay will be a little easier to write since we can write about anything we want, but then I realized that although we can write about anything, I still experienced writer's block. It was a weird experienced and hard to get used to when you have to speak your ideas out loud and try to write at the same time. But I'm glad Paul chose this project to open our eyes to what kind of writers we all are.
