Monday, June 25, 2012

So we only have three more class sessions left. Crazy! As much fun as the class has been, I can't wait for it to be over hah. Then one week off before R3 session begins. Bummer! Then I think it's a week after R3 is over before the Fall semester begins. I miss having real summer vacations! This class has gone by so fast. I feel like we just started and soon it'll be over. Even though the session is short, I've learned a lot about myself and writing. So it's not wasted time like some classes have been. Where you don't really learn anything or do anything meaningful or useful. You just have to take it, because you need it to graduate.

It's been a busy week for me. I'm kind of scared of doing my presentation on Monday. I was kind of hoping that I'd at least be able to present during the next session, but the sign up list was full for every other time except the first day. I would have liked to have more time to spend on it. It's also good to see a few before I have to present. Watch how the first day goes and then fix mine up. Oh well. I usually talk a lot haha. Speaking in front of people is hard though. I don't mind if it's not my idea or work, but when it's something that I have done it's really difficult. I don't know what to do with my hands, or who to look at. I forgot what I'm supposed to say, even though I swear I had it prepared and was all ready to do it. But as soon I get up in front of people, everything seems to escape from my mind. This only makes me more nervous and the whole situation a million times more frightening. It usually helps when you've known the people that you are going to speak to for a while. I never really got to know the people on the other side of the class haha. I mean we really didn't have much time to get to know each other.

Well it's 4:30 in the morning. I can't sleep. Insomnia sucks. I guess I'll look over my presentation more. Good luck everyone with yours!

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